

Barbie is Here to Help

Barbie found a new, huge audience recently with her big screen debut 64 years after she was introduced to a world full of girls looking for a role model. When one thinks of Barbie, one might not immediately make a connection to the world of healthcare. But upon closer examination, we discover that the positive attributes embodied by Barbie can inspire and resonate with women in healthcare. Ambition and Leadership: Barbie has taken on numerous roles throughout her career, demonstrating ambit …
Jul 25th 2023 Green Scrubs

Handling Stress

May is a key month for health care workers to be mindful of heath issues such as High Blood Pressure and Mental Health. Healthcare workers play a crucial role in providing care to patients, but the demands of the job can be overwhelming and stressful at times. It's important for healthcare workers to identify and manage stress in the workplace to prevent burnout and maintain their own health and wellbeing.  Recognizing Stress in the workplace is important so pay attention to the onset of p …
Apr 23rd 2023 Green Scrubs

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