

Lower Back Pain in Nurses: Causes, Treatment, and Prevention

Lower Back Pain in Nurses: Causes, Treatment, and Prevention

Nurses are at a high risk of developing low back pain (LBP) due to the physical demands of their job. LBP is a common problem in the general population, but it is even more prevalent among nurses. A study published in the journal Pain found that the lifetime prevalence of LBP among nurses is 90%, and the recurrence rate is over 70%.Causes of LBP in Nurses:Repetitive movements: Nurses often perform repetitive movements, such as lifting and transferring patients, bending over to reach patients …
Sep 27th 2023 Green Scrubs

Handling Stress

May is a key month for health care workers to be mindful of heath issues such as High Blood Pressure and Mental Health. Healthcare workers play a crucial role in providing care to patients, but the demands of the job can be overwhelming and stressful at times. It's important for healthcare workers to identify and manage stress in the workplace to prevent burnout and maintain their own health and wellbeing.  Recognizing Stress in the workplace is important so pay attention to the onset of p …
Apr 23rd 2023 Green Scrubs

Health Care Workers and Power Naps. What, Why and How?

Why Take a Power Nap? Improved Alertness: Healthcare workers need to be alert and focused during their shifts, and power naps have been shown to improve alertness and reaction time. This can help healthcare workers to make better decisions, provide better care for patients, and reduce the risk of errors. Enhanced Cognitive Function: Power naps have been linked to improved cognitive function, including memory, concentration, and problem-solving skills. This c …
Mar 15th 2023 Green Scrubs

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